Replacing Bryston 4BST for Aerial 10Ts

I've been happy with my system but the amp is dead. I'm running a PS Audio PerfectWave  DAC with Bridge 2, Audio Research SP16 tube pre, and a Bryston 4BST into Aerial 10T mkii speakers. The Bryston failed recently, blowing 2 fuses in the right channel. It's 3 years out of the 20-year warranty. In my conversation with Bryston, they mentioned an option for trade-in credit toward the 4B3 or other product and I'm waiting for those details. My local dealer (Rochester NY) loaned me an Atoll IN100, which (in bypass mode) is underpowered relative to the speakers but which gives me a sense of the Atoll sound. He suggested the Atoll AM300 ( The 4BST gave 400 watts per channel into these 4-ohm speakers. The Atoll offers 280 watts per channel into 4 ohms. I'm interested in power to resolve detail. Typical listening is chamber music, orchestral, piano, acoustic world music, and some electronic composers. The 4B3 offers 500 watts per 4-ohm channel. I'm waiting to hear from Bryston on the trade-in credit and lean that way because the 4BST was magnificent. Any thoughts on Atoll, on Rogue (also on offer from my local dealer), on the 4B3, or something else with the power to make these big speakers sing?



Showing 1 response by soix

Bryston amps have evolved significantly and that amp owes you nothing at this point so I’d say it’s time to move on with newer Bryston or something else.  I recently brought my fully upgraded McCormack DNA 0.5 amp over to a friend’s house who runs a Bryston 3BSST2 and we both preferred the McCormack across the board.  It was more dynamic, robust, with better fleshed out tonality with more weight and naturalness.  In short, it made the music come more alive. Here’s a DNA-1 you could have sent right to SMcAudio for upgrades and for around $4200 all in you’d have a true SOTA amp   It puts out 185Wpc into 8 Ohms and doubles into 4 Ohms so should have no problem with your 10Ts   Just another option to ponder, and best of luck.