Replacing a MAC Mini with new one...

I have been using a MAC Mini dedicated to my audio system. I run it into a Bryston DAC-1 via the Audiophilleo 2 with Pure Power. I am happy with this setup however need to replace the MAC Mini. I am looking for advice on which Mini to purchase and on how I should have it configured. Thanks in advance.


Showing 7 responses by mesch

Onhwy61, My current mini has a 0.5 TB drive and I am not sure it will even take a larger one. The thought of getting a used one I would entertain. 

Tuberist, no offense taken. I know some, or at least think I do, however that can be a trap. Looking for that beyond what I think I know, and verification of that I do.  I was thinking I would want a 1 TB SSD drive and the 8 gB ram. By store on outboard drive, I believe you mean as backup. Am I right there?


Onhwy61, My issue is that my Mini was owned by my place of work and I may now be asked to return it. I have not yet found a server that I think would be better without incurring to great an expense.

I am thinking that a mini with a smaller SSD for system files with 8GB ram and two external SSDs  for music storage. Now, given that I use USB for output I should use external HDs that mate with alternative inputs, thunderbolt or firewire, correct? 

Kijanki, Since I will use this Mini as a dedicated music server I am thinking I will purchase one with the 250 GB SSD, 8 GB memory, and what ever OS that comes standard. I forgot to mention that I also use Pure Music for playback.  Is it your thinking that the use of the USB converter negates concern over using an external USB HD for music storage and USB for playback?  

Another thought, will use of a USB converter negate concern with using an internal HD for music storage?

Thanks for your thoughts on this!
Sbank, I have and continue to consider other options. Would consider a basic server that could read AIFF files off a HD. 

Kijanki, thanks much for your input. I am using BCN connection between converter and DAC, direct connection w/o cable. I have 3 dedicated lines, one for digital.

In my household I have a Mac book pro which I use for general computer use and to serve music to my secondary systems, and the mini for my primary system.  What are thoughts in usng the MAC pro to burn CDs  and transfer file to HD and then using the HD with the Mini?  
Thanks for the confirmation Spencer! 

As I have time prior to making a move, I plan on continuing my research on this, and looking into the possibility of a server.  There is a Bryston BDP-1 for sale here on AG. May look into that as an alternative if it will play AIFF files from a HD. Would compliment my BDA-1.

vicweast, Thanks much for your advice. I have been happy with the use of the mini as a server for the points you have mentioned. 

Thanks to all for their advice! Once I decide on an approach I will get back to you.