Replacement pwr supply for Aragon 24k

Looks like the ips gave up and I'm now in need of a replacement. The pwr supply is the standard piece that comes with this pre although the updated ips would work. Pity Mondial is out of business. Thanks and enjoy the music.
Do you know what kind of power supply you need? How many lines of what voltage and what current?

If you can find a local reputable tech shop try that. It's likely a regulator died.

It could be that something in the 24k is drawing excessive current and that caused premature IPS failure.

Have you tried alternative DC power ?

Thanks for your replies Kr4 and Dpac966,
According to the Klipsch forum A pwr supply of - 24 + 24v DC and a min of 250 Ma. The pwr supply had been modded prior to my purchase but don't know what all had been done. I should have known better :( I have talked to Steve Donalson a tech and he is researching a replacement. Pehaps someone with an extra pwr supply may read this. Stay tuned,
Sorry to hear about your problem. It amazes me the ps broke down: to me it looks like a solid piece of engineering.


Can't help you, but I would suspect the modification. Any chance for a refund?
I had this exact preamp years ago. That outboard power supply is very rugged. The fact that some guy modded it is likely the reason it broke. But like i said earlier, something upstream might be flaking out and massively increasing current draw, But the linear regulation has current limiting built in. Have you checked the line(120v) fuse, of course unplugged?
didn't Klipshe buy out mondial?
I had this PS flake on me as well. The parts on this PS seem a bit small, and when I changed the verister out as directed by the past owner of Mondial, I also added a fatter power cord and the board couldn't support it. So it was the mod in my case, but the fact that the pre's next owner was used to handling only stage gear didn't help. :)
didn't Klipshe buy out mondial?
I had this PS flake on me as well. The parts on this PS
seem a bit small, and when I changed the verister out
as directed by the past owner of Mondial, I also added
a fatter power cord and the board couldn't support it.
So it was the mod in my case, but the fact that the
pre's next owner was used to handling only stage gear
didn't help. :)

A nice piece that would work for you would be the Krell KPS. One mod
needed, as the KPS comes out via a multi-pin computer cable, and would
need to be checked as it has 2 pins +24v for Krells (sometimes) 2 power
channels; and would need the XLR to fit the 24K.
That's a nice pre and great to mod, till you get to the
PS. :)
Thanks again for all your replies. Steve at Klipsch asked about a fuse but I don't see one anywhere. He even looked at a schematic while I had him on the phone and he could not locate one either. Satch thanks for the link but it looks like the upgraded ips. I have the standard version which should be simpler. Spiro the Krell may be my next recourse if I can't find a ps. Stay tuned
Do you have the IPS or the standard, rectangular power supply?

Either way, my suggestion is to have it repaired.
I have the standard. Hope I can obtain a new one or as you suggested have it repaired.
I have a 47K phono stage with a stock power supply. I'm looking to upgrade the sps to something like the IPS but they are discontinued. Does anyone here know if we can use something like this...

It's a Variable Regulated Power Supply intended for Laboratory use. Can be set to the desire 24VDC and over 250ma. What I'm not sure of is if the requiered +24vdc, - 24vdc can be fulfilled by adapting the cable to the + and - plus Ground into the 3-pin connector which goes to the 47K/24K units. ( I'm guessing so excuse me...).


PS: camino3x2 I sent you an email through another site where you reviewed the Aragon gear...thanks!
The power supply for my Aragon 24K Pre-amp just went out. You say there is a fuse? If so, where is it and how do you open the power box? Thank you for any assistance you can give me.
@ Penonome: the screws are in the rubber thingies at the underside of the powersupply. Unscrew them and you can slide the triangular top of. Then you should see this (click link):

The fuse is on the right. Good luck!
Thanks Satch!

I must have a very old Aragon 24k because the power box is not triangular and, after removing the rubber thingies on the underside there was nothing to unscrew. It is solid with no indication of a place to open it. I wonder if I have to pry open the box. The model number is ILDK-19 if that means anything.

Again, thanks for your kind help.
Aha. I have the Aragon 24K with the IPS, the Improved Power Supply. This wasn't standard, you had to buy it separately. It was said to improve upon the standard powersupply, which you probably have. I have seen thatone in real life, so I can't tell you how to open it. But I'm sure there's a way to open it, and I'm also sure there's a fuse inside. There is an entire forum dedicated to Aragon gear, so you might ask your question there:
Penonome you have the pwr supply I had repaired. Someone before I brought the unit cut the pwr supply around the middle and this is how my tech got into it. Once repaired he put some kind of epoxy around the cut to seal it. So far no problems. Hopes this helps.
Thank you, gentlemen,

I will open the IPS and look for the fuse. I used the Klipsh link to look for information on the IPS but it was over my head--I went into the website knowing absolutely nothing and now I know even less plus, am really confused now.
Penonome I don't think you will find a fuse inside. There was someone who works at Klipsh (I forgot his name) that was really helpful in this matter. He even put me in contact with someone that had new pwr supplies for sale. My suggestion is to have your tech look at the supply once you have it opened. This was a headbanger for as well me but the fix was inexpensive. Best of luck.
Digging this up from the graveyard.

New power supply circuit boards are available for IPS and Ingot (but not the small rectangular-box) power supplies.

The new units have a larger transformer than the Ingot, and more storage capacitance than the Ingot. This is an upgrade for both the IPS and the Ingot. Remove cover. Disconnect the power cord, disconnect the output cord. Remove old circuit board. Install new board, re-connect power cord per instructions. Install original--or upgraded (extra-cost)--output cable per instructions. Test unit with voltmeter. Install cover. Enjoy.

I purchased this upgrade from about a month ago.

Supplies will be limited.
A question: would an industrial power supply like a Sorenson PTM 24-4 do the trick? The output voltage is a match and it will more than deliver enough "juice." It would just need proper mains plug and an output connector. Or is the output not appropriately sine wave? Does anyone have ideas on appropriate alternatives to an original IPS or Ingot?