Replacement for current speakers suggestions

Greetings! I am 64 years old and started the hi fi journey at 19. I am thinking of replacing my current speakers. I have a pair of Von Shweikert VR 2's driven by a Mcintosh MA 250. Analogue sources are a Clearaudio Emotion Red with a Hana EH cartridge, the second deck is a Technics SL-1200 GR with a Clearaudio Maestro Cartridge. My VR 2's sound outstanding with the Mac however, they are sounding clinical these days. I realise that at 64 with all my health issues hearing changes for the worse. Diabetic for 39 years, Cardiac issues, (massive MI in 95, double bypass in 05) and the latest is stage 4 cancer, no remission possible! I like a warm sound that recreates music in great detail without sounding clinical, not sure if that makes sense! Disability does not pay all that well! The days of affording 3k to 5k are done! Looking at some Wharfdale towers, Maggies and possily Monitor Audio. I want to stay abour or below 2k.I will appreciate your opinions!

Thanks, Bogiedr


Showing 9 responses by bogiedr2

By the way I had to reregister, somehow AG is not recognizing my credentials, so I am now Bogiedr2

Thank you to the well wishers, tough battle but music always helps a great deal! CM I appreciate your recommendation, thank you, I do not appreciate that you came across like my grandpa yelling to me for having a zip of his scotch at age 7. I must point out that the first thing in my post is my recognition of my hearing changing. I must also point out I don't care how many times you have have said that the springs you are pushing work since it is my first post of any significance so I have not seen that answer. I am new here so with all due respect, and we are the same age, please do not respond to my postings anymore, I did not come here to get scolded. I have limited time on this good earth and just want to enjoy as much music as I can, not enough time for tweeks, can you understand that? Thank you sir. To recommendations of Dali,Dynaudio great suggestions. I will seek local dealers for a listen.


Arch2, my cardiac brother, my bypass was at age 45, kudos to you! Keep hanging tough and everyone else, I sincerely appreciate your thoughtfulness. Thank you Jallan2 and everyone for great recommendations. My local dealer in Dunedin Fla, (sweet home audio) sold me the vr2's 17 years ago, maybe 18. He is a Maggie and Wharfdale dealer. I will start there. The sub is a good idea. I have a hsu sub in my home theater that is almost never used, I will hook it up and see what happens although the vr2's pump out outstanding bass. Great recommendations, I will now settle back in my vintage system room, my wife named it the jazz lounge, and listen to a little Dexter Gordon with a good Hibiki Toki on the rocks! Thank you audio brothers. Will let you know what happens. Cheers. 

Thanks everyone for the responses, very helpful and your warm welcome is awesome! Sheridanmartin hello neighbor, I am in Carrollwood, Tampa. I will be visiting Brian probably Friday. You are right, after 18 years of doing business with him he's never steered me wrong. I am proud to call him a friend. I will be auditioning the 1.7's and Linton's, closely priced.

I did listen to Monitor Audio's today and the tweeter was excellent! The low end powerful but, after five minutes the sound hurt my ears, loose and almost rattling. The mid was confusing, not very clear, I was a bit surprised. After listening to my Schweikert's for 18 years and my vintage system's Polk Audio SDA 2B monitors I am spoiled by great sound. The Schweikert's sounded absolutely stunning today Listened to Dizzy Gillespie, Eddy Gomes, Dexter Gordon and Gentle Giant, great sound. I think they feel me looking so they will behave.

PJB, I understand your statement but as retired Operations Manager for 38 years, career cut short due to health issues, I learned early to be understanding of what folks wanted or needed. The venom is because in my first impression he comes across as a pseudo intellectual. There are nicer ways to communicate and I for one do not tolerate condescending statements, we all are here because we love music. Good equipment is the vehicle delivering good sounds so we can hear the music, not the system! Enough talk about MC, I am sure a he is a very nice person, approach me in a different tone and we are good!

Enough for tonight. Thanks you for all the great input and well wishes, I feel very welcomed here. I will post after my next audition until then, Cheers! Time to listen to my vintage beautiful vintage system!

Hi Martin! My wife and I have listened to Tony Bennet, the late B.B. King, Alan Parsons, Pat Metheny and others at Ruth Eckert Hall! Also istened to Pat Metheny and the Lincoln Jazz Center at the Tampa Theater. We also lietened to Trombone Shorty outdoors in St. Petersburg. Due to covid and my cancer, we avoid crowds these days! We do love live music, I have listened to too many artists to name, but a few are, Bruce Springsteen in St. Pete in 1978, Gino Vanelly in 79, gosh, too many to name! Iwill visitt Brian tomorrow and see if I have enough room for the 1.7's. I will also listen to the Linton's. I have been a Maggie fan forever, but never had the room. By the way, the Shweikerts sounded awesome today. I told them I was shopping and they seem to get their act together real quick!! Let you know what I do. Thank you my friend, I'll make sure to get your number from Brian, will call you to chat as soon as I feel ok. Thanks for you reccomendations!

Cheers, Bogiedr2

Thank you Martin! Wow you have an amzing story and it is awesome. I want tocheck out the Maggies and determine if they fit our living room which is where we listen. I also need to see if I have the budget for them. I will call you probably next week and let you what happens. By the way, I have been a Maggie fan since the days of Audio Visions South in Tampa, Let's see how I can make it work. Chat soon.

Thanks everyone. Well I took the best ears in the family, my wife who has become an audiophile as our blog evolved, so she could listen to the Magnepan's 1.7. Before I go there, I have always have in my bucket list owning a Mcintosh amplifier. I auditioned the MA 252 which I could have as a demo unit at a nicely reduced price. My sales rep brought it to our house on a Saturday morning, hook it up so we could have an in home audition.The amp it replaced is an NAD C 375Bee which I want to sell but not sure there will be any interest localy. Anyway, my wife heard the Mac and it had enough hours on it that it fully opened in our audition. My wife said it found a home! She was right! So in the 1.7 audition Brian had already set them up by the time we got there. He had a Van Morrison CD in his Electrocompaniet transfer. After less than 30 seconds my wife was shaking her head grinning! I asked what that was about and she said, "I now understand why you have talked about Maggies forever! Wow, you are not listening to a speaker you are listening to music!" Seal of approval! I just need to make sure the Mac 252 at 160 watts into 4 ohms can drive the 1.7's with no issues! I found a pair locally for $1,300.00 and in South Florida a pair for $800.00. However my dealer has been awesome for the last 18 years, I rather pay full price to support my local small business and help keep his store going than inherit possible issues from a seller I don't know. I am now doing my due diligence and will probably pull the trigger in a month or so. Thank you everyone for the helpfull suggestions. Martin, Brian says HI. I will call sometime this coming week depending on how badly chemo puts me down! Cheers everyone and a happy Thanksgiving to all!

Ok please let's stop piling up on MC, as I said in an earlier post, probably a very nice person who simply comes across in a manner I did not appreciate. Different ways of communicating. I said my peace and he was enough of a gentleman to abide by my request. Please lets stop the persecution of a forum member! I respectfully ask to stop all the attacks on MC ... if you had that many issues were they communicated to MC? Again he is enough of a gentleman to respect my request, so stop the dislike!! Please!!!!! Thank you all for your recommendations and laying off MC. God bless you all!! 

Gee MC I apologize for trying to do the right thing when ugly name calling started, no call for that. I am not a hypocrite far from it but you have your thoughts and opinions and as civilized people that we are it is ok to disagree. I sincerely wish you a fabulous Thanksgiving and peaceful day with your loved ones! God bless you.