Replacement for Benchmark DAC Preamp

Hello. I just acquired both a McIntosh CD player and Benchmark DAC with preamp function. I am extremely impressed with both pieces of equipment, though the McIntosh's internal DAC edges out that of the Benchmark. So I am using the Benchmark's preamp function to control volume, with a great old McIntosh MC2105 providing amplification. This combo sounds great.

So here is my question. The Benchmark is a waste if being used just to control volume, obviously, because the DAC is not being used. Can someone recommend a solid state preamp that will provide functionality and sound quality similar to the Benchmark preamp, or better? I am also thinking of selling the Benchmark and the McIntosh amplifier and buying a modern McIntosh integrated unit, which should be an improvement over the fabulous but dated MC2105. Recommendations would be greatly appreciated.

Many thanks,

Showing 1 response by srosenberg

in addition to the very good lightspeed attenuator, i'd also suggest you look into the placette rvc. call the company to speak with the designer about the other components in your system - he'll give you an honest opinion on suitability.

i can't speak for the lightspeed, but i have the placette in my system and am VERY impressed with it.