Replace PS Audio DLIII + Pass Preamp With Directstream Jr?

In the quest for better sound I've been thinking about doing the following; replace my PS Audio DLIII DAC and Pass Labs XP10 preamp with just a PS Audio Directstream Jr DAC (which would directly drive my amp, a Pass XA30.5.) Am I likely to get better sound? It's all about the sound ...

Currently the DLIII DAC is being fed from the digital output of a Logitech Squeezebox Touch which accesses via ethernet my Red book (44.1k) library on a dedicated NAS running Logitech Media Server. It seems the Directstream Jr DAC could additionally replace the Logitech Squeezebox Touch.
Excellent observation, auxinput. I've done some searching here about opinions on driving a power amp directly from a DAC, and there seems to be somewhat less preference for that sound than when a good preamp is used between the DAC and power amp. So there is no clear consensus on this particular situation. I was hoping to hear from someone with firsthand experience with the Directstream Jr. driving an amp.
And cymbop, were you using the analog or digital (to a DAC) outputs of the SBT? The former are not so good and if that's what you were using it would not be surprising at all that you heard a big difference in going to the PWDII DAC.  
I have tried my DSJ connected directly to MC501 amps and felt the sound was "thin". Sound is definitely better with a pre in the loop, IMO
I have tried my DSJ connected directly to MC501 amps and felt the sound was "thin". Sound is definitely better with a pre in the loop,
Thanks for that comment. I was supposing I could replace my preamp and DLIII and get the DSJ with only a small additional cash outlay. It seems then I should be thinking about a lower-priced DAC (than the DSJ) with better dynamics and soundstaging than the DLIII. One that incorporates a network player, too. What is that DAC?

Yeah, that’s a definite concern. The DSJ really acts like a DAC chip with no smoothing analog circuits. More of a stepped square wave format you see on the output side of DAC chips (it’s really just DC voltage output at different levels). You really need at least one Class A circuit (or several op amp circuits with a higher feedback capacitor to smooth the waveforms). Class A analog circuits does this waveform smoothing very well. However, after several Class A circuits (in the audio path), the sound can become too dull and soft.

I have limited experience with McIntosh, but what I have heard is that the McIntosh sound is very warm, mellow and laid back. I think the Pass Labs amps will have a lot more punch and attack, even though they are Class A. If bnut311 fees that DSJ direct to his MC501 is still too thin, maybe it would not work out for you.  My assumption would be that your Pass Labs Class A amp would have enough waveform smoothing to remove the thinness.

The idea of looking for a more exacting DAC to mate with your XP10 is a good one at this point. Avoid any DAC that has a Class A or tube output stage (Bryston, Marantz, ARC, McIntosh, etc.). Look for a more "transparent" type of DAC without the opa2134 or warmer I/V and analog stages.

I don’t know what your budget is going to be or what level you want. Here are some thoughts from most expensive to least expensive:

- The Mytek Manhatten with network card

- Aurender A10

- Cambridge Audio Azure 851N

- Oppo Sonica DAC

And cymbop, were you using the analog or digital (to a DAC) outputs of the SBT?
Digital out from the SBT.  Bridge II slayed it.