I have tried my DSJ connected directly to MC501 amps and felt the sound was "thin". Sound is definitely better with a pre in the loop, IMO
Replace PS Audio DLIII + Pass Preamp With Directstream Jr?
In the quest for better sound I've been thinking about doing the following; replace my PS Audio DLIII DAC and Pass Labs XP10 preamp with just a PS Audio Directstream Jr DAC (which would directly drive my amp, a Pass XA30.5.) Am I likely to get better sound? It's all about the sound ...
Currently the DLIII DAC is being fed from the digital output of a Logitech Squeezebox Touch which accesses via ethernet my Red book (44.1k) library on a dedicated NAS running Logitech Media Server. It seems the Directstream Jr DAC could additionally replace the Logitech Squeezebox Touch.
Currently the DLIII DAC is being fed from the digital output of a Logitech Squeezebox Touch which accesses via ethernet my Red book (44.1k) library on a dedicated NAS running Logitech Media Server. It seems the Directstream Jr DAC could additionally replace the Logitech Squeezebox Touch.