Replace PS Audio DLIII + Pass Preamp With Directstream Jr?

In the quest for better sound I've been thinking about doing the following; replace my PS Audio DLIII DAC and Pass Labs XP10 preamp with just a PS Audio Directstream Jr DAC (which would directly drive my amp, a Pass XA30.5.) Am I likely to get better sound? It's all about the sound ...

Currently the DLIII DAC is being fed from the digital output of a Logitech Squeezebox Touch which accesses via ethernet my Red book (44.1k) library on a dedicated NAS running Logitech Media Server. It seems the Directstream Jr DAC could additionally replace the Logitech Squeezebox Touch.

Showing 1 response by mattmiller

BETTER? is very subjective term at this point. Different- Is a better word to describe the change. Only you will know if you like what this does. I happen to prefer a active tube line stage pre amp in my system. You may love having none.

Matt M