replace Mid-range speaker of Green Mountain Audio Imago VI

I need to replace the mid-range speaker of one of my Green Mountain Audio IMAGO VI speakers. It buzzes. In 2008, Roy Johnson upgraded my IMAGOs to a unique Series VI. Except for this annoyance, they sound as wonderful as ever. Does anyone know the particular mid-range speaker Roy likely used and from whom I can buy it?


Showing 2 responses by lewgreen

Thanks for your advice. I removed and reinstalled the speaker and couldn't find any cause for what I thought was buzzing. Upon careful listening, I determined the annoying sound was either distortion or crackling air which occurred only in some recordings and mostly during quiet/soft passages of piano solos. For example, on Reference Recordings' Dick Hyman Plays Fats Waller, Track1 has no distortion, but Track 2 has distortion throughout, especially when it starts softly. The speaker is an ETON 4-300-25sHEXb. Here's a photo of this speaker. If I replace it, how likely will it sound different from the good one without the crossover being adjusted to compensate, and if needing adjustment, how can I get that done? What is the best way to source a new one?


Thanks to all responders. I found a good repair shop (South Florida Speaker Repair) who repaired the surround in each driver. They not only look like new, they sound as wonderful as they used to. Heaven has returned.