Replace Logitech Squeezebox Duet

I give up. Can’t get my units to connect to the PC with my files.

What is available as a replacement? My music is on a PC. I want to feed it to my audio system. And a remote that shows the album art would be nice.
To me this rules out Sonos. 

Showing 1 response by berwaldster

I have a Squeezebox Duet hooked up to a Bose Lifestyle 10. It's been marvelous for about 15-20 years or so but, now, the receiver doesn't seem to work. There's a tiny, flickering red glow inside the receiver but no light functioning on the outside-(that ittle light that turns vafious colors). My remote won't recognize the unit. The other night, the unit did function for a short while but it functions no longer. I think the receiver is dead. If I buy another receiver, can I just plug it in and expect it to work or do I need to download drivers? Or- would it be a better idea to buy some sort of a Bluetooth unit to hook up. My main objective is to get the Internet so I can listen to Tune In or something else that will get me thousands of radio stations.