Replace Cambridge Audio D500 or add DAC?

I have $1000-$1500 to upgrade my system, and one of the components I'm considering to upgrade is my CD Player. Currently I have a Cambridge Audio D500, Audio Refinement Complete Amp, and Monitor Audio 5i speakers. I'm using Transparent Audio Music Link SuperXL RCA interconnect, Transparent Audio MusicWave speaker cables, and stock power cords. I'm looking for a little more detail, more airy sound, and better seperation/distinction between instruments. I'm wondering whether adding an upgraded power cord and the Cambridge Audio S700 DAC would give me these qualities, and would it give me approximately the same sound quality as a $1000-$1500 CD Player.


Showing 1 response by sugarbrie

You could keep the Cambridge as the transport for the DAC. It has a decent Sony transport mechanism.