Replace Ayre gear & kEF Reference 1s with KEF LS60s?

From time to time I think about replacing a rack of Ayre gear and KEF Reference 1s with KEF LS60s as a move toward simplifying my 87 year old life -- at some point I may need to move to a retirement community.  I'd keep the Ayre DX-5 DSD and the pair of Velodyne HGS-15 subs, though perhaps change them for a pair of KEF KC62s.  The impetus to do this has lessened since I've reduced my components to those that fit into a single rack (the VX-5 Twenty amp sits between the speakers).  I'm concerned about giving up the Roon-ready QX-5 Twenty DAC.  I have wireless LS50s IIs that I use with a pair of KC62s, but I've never heard the LS60s.

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Showing 1 response by steve59

How sensitive is your hearing at 87? It might not matter a whole lot other than the impressive rack of Ayre gear showing a level of success the ls 60 won't convey.