Repaired a broken coil wire on a Denon dl 103

I had a basically brand new 103 laying around that I had been modding but during the mod I broke a coil wire. Anyone who has looked at one of these knows how thin the wire is. Anyway, with the family off for the night it seemed to be a good project. Armed with my magnifying glasses and my trusty samsung cell phone, I focused with keen eyes and found the bugger. I got my soldering iron out and a long, thin single run of copper wire, that I took from some cable I had laying around. It was a bit larger in diameter than the coil wire but there is no way I could find or work with a wire as thin as that.

With my soldering iron out and my camera focused on the cartridge, I began the repair. First, I soldered to the post. Then I wrapped the wire around a small plastic nub on the body, pressed it against the coil wire and solder it.

Would it work. Well, heck, yes it did. After testing it out I took out some epoxy and potted the wires to avoid a future problem. 

If it weren't for the keen eye of the camera this would have been an impossible task. Now, I can finish the mod and enjoy the dl 103.

this is without a doubt the most delicate thing I have ever done. Proud and amazed.


Showing 2 responses by raymonda

I hate typing on cell phones. That was suppose to say, "improvement on the overall sound".

The repair has not altered the basic sound. However, as I indicated, this was a mod project, which stripped away the body and replacedo it with just a carbon fiber top plate. Also, everything has been potted, so, it is an improvement on the st9 know sound.