Repair of Butler Audio Amp

Hi, I own a pair of Butler TDB 2250 amps (used as bridged monoblocks). Shortly after purchasing the first, the power switch died. This was some years ago and when I contacted Butler they repaired if for free aside from shipping.

Now, within a 3 month span, both amps have experienced failure of the power switches. Fortunately, they are in the 'on' position but unplugging is difficult in my installation and I really don't want to leave on all the time.

Anyone know of someone who can replace the switches??


Thanks for any help.


Showing 1 response by sneu

Thanks for the suggestion. 

I live near Green Bay, WI. I used to do quite a bit of business with Hi-Fi Heaven there. Don't know if they have a good tech guy or not. Also Suess Electronics and Sound World in Appleton are not far away. Any experience with repairs at these places??