Repair my Sony CDP 608 ESD?

I have a very clean Sony 608 ESD, I bought it brand new in 1986. So I can not complain that it has been a good sounding and flawless performing player all these 29 years. So, lately it is getting touchy, and skips at the slightest footfall, the laser head must be going out? I've been shopping for a replacement, looking at used Esoteric's and Marantz's, used in the $1k to $2.5k range. and am wondering if I may be better served if I just had this unit repaired? In fact, even if I do buy another used CD player, maybe I should have it repaired anyway, just so I can resell it and save it from the scrap heap? Does anyone know of a good shop that I could have the repairs made at a reasonable cost? Any thoughts on a replacement? Thanks in advance.

It's the CD 306.200, I forget what's different about this particular model, over the other 306's. But I'm very pleased with it. Best digital playback I've had in my system so far! In fact, it has digital in and out on the back, I haven't attempted to use that function. Built like a tank, very heavy! Sold aluminum drawer, feels very rigid. And when the drawer shuts, it instantly displays the track info, in less than one second! But of course it sounds amazing, lots of detail and extension in both directions, excellent bass! Nice air around instruments, decent soundstage. I've always been an analog guy, and still am, but this CD player has brought my digital playback up to the same level. I'm enjoying my CD's again! 

I found this thread while I was trying to find more info on this CD player. I recently picked this up at a thrift store in absolutely mint condition for $60. The player looks like it was barely ever used, except one of the feet has the adhesive peeled off, so it sits a little lopsided.

Running this in my system with a Rogue 99 and a Parasound A23, I have to say, this player sounds absolutely fantastic! I couldn't believe that something so old could sound so good. The transport is absolutely quiet and smooth and so far I haven't experienced any issues with skips etc. A friend of mine has a Marantz SA8005 and he brought it over so we could run a comparison. As per another post above, the difference in sound between the units was just that, a difference. The two units had a slightly different sound but both sounded amazing! The SONY sounds a little bit more dynamic with a hint more clarity around the treble and female vocals, the Marantz is a little more rounded and smooth. Out of curiosity I hooked up the SONY to a Schiit multibit DAC to see whether there was an improvement in sound. Yet again, there was a change, but the sound was great with and without the DAC. The Schiit is closer in sound to the Marantz.

Another big bonus with the SONY is the headphone output, its is absolutely amazing! My HD650s sound absolutely stunning through them and there is boatloads of power through it. I wish I could actually use the on-board DAC on the SONY like one can on the Marantz.

To summarise, the only reason to avoid this player would be the "unknown" factor if buying used, you have no idea what that player has been through. But for $60, I could afford to take a chance and it has seemingly paid off. Also, if the unit needs repairs, you will still find most parts through SONY, but of course, the cost is pretty high. I've been looking for the foot assembly and unfortunately its unavailable through SONY and anywhere else.
The foot pads are sold separately.  You don't need a whole new footer.
You got an insane deal on a great CD player.  Nice way to start the new year.