Repair for Tandberg Troll?

I have a Tandberg Troll integrated amp whose input selector and volume attenuator both need repair. Electronically, it is fine. As Tandberg is long gone, I cannot find a facility. Someone recommended an outfit called Sounddesign, which did Tandberg warranty service for many years, but owner refused to take my Troll.

Office system -- Troll, KLH 18 FM tuner, PC's CD drive, Optimus Lineum 4 speakers -- is consequently out of commission. Please help me to get some work done while abolishing the boredom!
Have you tried Contact cleaner (from Radio Shack)? It might fix your problems.
Doug Seigel at Audio Specialties, Portland, OR is very decent. 503 257 3206. Call and ask, very competent as he also runs a used only store so has seen about everything.
I'm familiar w/the Troll, but not sure about a fix for it. I had a Thorens power amp (very rare-same problem-distributor changed and no one had service info. on it) from the 90's that a place in Las Vegas was able to fix. It might be worth calling them. The place is called Audio Expert and their tel. is 702-873-3088. Good luck,
Scott in TX