Remastering my own cd's

Hey, can I rerecord (is that a word?) or in a amature way remaster my old cd's?
I am thinking about going straight from cd to amp. (wadia or what else should I consider)
I think this makes the original recording ultimate critical for my listening pleasure. I dont care about what the original sounds like I paid my hard earned $$$ for what I like. I kind of like some effects and equalization is a must. But I might want to record the same music different ways.
When I grow up I want to be a studio engineer but I got to have a day job.)wife and kids and eat thing(

Am I out in right field or what, has anyone else ever tried this? is it software, hardware, or whatever?

I like mainly classic r&r and modern alternative, the rock recorded the worst.

Any help or suggestions appreciated, getting the new imac with the dvd burner but I need this recorded material to play in a meridian or possibly wadia cd player and installing new audio system in car(need help there also). Would like media to play in all.


Showing 1 response by josiahmusic

The idea of "rerecording" cd's in your method is not the answer. Buy yourself a decent computer with a cd-rw capability and a sound card (software) for editing your cd's. Also a "toast&jam" software will be necessary to get you started. This is the cheapist and most practicle solution to your problem. Good-luck