Relationship of amplifier sound to transformer quality?

Is this significant?

Showing 2 responses by millercarbon

If this is not just transformers, if it is two complete power supplies you are talking about combining together in parallel, then what you are really talking about is doubling the capacitance. With twice the power supply storage capacity you should notice a profound, or at least decent, improvement in bass slam, with more authority well up into the midrange. The top end may even improve. Hard to say how much. The existing power supplies being mono and separate units are already probably very overbuilt. But I have yet to see the power supply that wasn't improved by bigger/better/more caps. It is the kind of extravagant expense no sane manufacturer would ever do. But as they say in racing, run what you brung!
Could I connect them in parallel to double their rating?
No. And anyone who understands what a transformer is and how it works should be able to see at an instant why this will not work. Since no one does then I guess everyone can benefit from this.

Any electrical current in any wire produces an electromagnetic field around that wire. Also any electromagnetic field that crosses any wire induces a current in that wire. This is basic electronics everyone needs to understand. This is fundamentally the reason why RFI and EMI are problems, why designers space power supplies away from the signal, etc etc.

Motion is critical to this effect. The motion can be either physical motion, as in an electric generator like a MC cartridge, or it can be field motion as with an alternating current.

This is why you do not coil excess wire. The fields around one wire induce currents in adjacent wires and this messes with the sound.

Okay so that is the principle. Now what is a transformer? What is all this hand winding BS? It is BS, right??

Not even. A transformer winding is a thin wire wrapped round and round real tight. This results in a powerful field being generated. This mess of windings where the power or signal (whatever you want to call it, it is all the same) comes in is called the primary.

Next to this is another mess of windings called the secondary. What happens, the alternating fields of the primary cross the coils of the secondary inducing a current in the secondary.

Got it? There’s lots more to it. The ratio of windings P:S determines whether it is a step up or step down transformer. But this is enough to understand why two transformers will not work and why you need a bigger transformer. The current the transformer can handle or transform depends almost entirely on the physical size of the transformer. Because of two things- more current calls for both larger gauge wire and more windings. Both of which increase size.

So now everyone should understand it will do no good to run them one after the other. One will not "hurt" the other. Transformers do not have feelings so there will be no problem with one being "unhappy" or "not getting along" or anything like that. You can connect one to another to another all day long. Won’t give you any more capacity, which is what you asked about. For that you need a bigger transformer.

Got it?