Rel vs the world

So whenever you look for subwoofer recommendations for 2 channel hifi, one name keeps dominating the conversation.. rel. And the flagship no 25 is seen as the ultimate subwoofer by many. My question is, has anyone compared well made but more affordable subwoofers (JTR, PSA, Rhythmik) to rel subwoofers (especially no 25) and go equally good or better results with the more affordable subwoofers?
Also thoughts on effects of cone material on sound in subwoofers? I am very interested in the choice of using carbon fiber cones on speakers like Alon in Magicos and Michael Borresen in his speakers. When I saw this in the rel no 25 I wondered if that was one of the reasons people were impressed with its performance. I found this article that Tom from PSA sent me pretty interesting.
"Myth: Cone Material Affects the "Timbre" of Subwoofers

At low frequencies, in the bass region below 125Hz, the cone material has no effect on the sound. If it did it would only be because of peripheral side effects such as a large change in the moving mass of the driver, or a cone who's strength and stiffness is deficient for the application allowing a lot of flex and distortion. A subwoofers cone or diaphragm should be stiff enough to not flex appreciably even when under heavy air loads. Any sufficiently stiff subwoofer cone would have resonances or breakup modes which are well beyond the bass range and should be inaudible with a typical low pass filter applied. If we have 3 identical sub drivers with different cone materials, one with an aluminum cone, one with a carbon fiber cone and another with a pressed paper cone and all are adequately stiff and the total moving mass of the driver is within a few percent of each other they will be indistinguishable from each other in a blind listening test.

The main take away here is that subwoofer cone material choice is primarily a consideration of strength/stiffness/durability/cosmetics/cost and weight. Sound is not one of those considerations.

@bjesien , Go with a manufacturer (no matter who it is) that offers more DOFs to tweak your system if your sub doesn’t just magically integrate. This is especially true if you have a high end 2 channel system and may not have all the additional frills that come with a flagship receiver (bass management, PEQ etc). Variable phase control, PEQ adjustments, etc that come on Rythmik receivers, for instance, is a Godsend. You can also explore other brands and see what is out there. I have not explored what SVS has these days in their advanced models. So, i’m not much help there. But, a blasted li’l 0-180 phase flip switch and no PEQ "may" not cut it even if the marketing department from REL insisted that it’s sufficient and you don’t need anything more.

Servo control can be quite advantageous for a sub driver if implemented right and help with its deficiencies, a.k.a possibly cut down the driver’s cost. It is one of the things Rythmik brags about (their patent, etc) i suppose. I believe Yamaha tinkers with some form of it too at times. These are nowhere near as insane as some of the control systems we deploy in my industry (aerospace) or some other industries out there. But, to my ears, it looks like Rythmik’s engineer has done a decent job for the simpler application that it is... Take it from a controls engineer, there are actually some free lunches out there in the world of controls. In many other sister fields of engineering, a free lunch is very hard to come by.

Also, let me add "IN MY EXPERIENCE, NOT EVERYONE ELSE’S" to all my statements above and protect myself from enraged

REL's are made with built-in obsolescence. I've owned three and they all died, for no reason whatsoever. Some part just stopped working. One I had repaired, it was the power unit. The other two subs I just replaced with another brand. The REL products delivers good acoustical performance but, they're built like everything else that comes from the UK - junk. IMHO, a subwoofer should last more than 5 years.