REL Vs SVS for 2 channel music listening

I have Zu Omen Defs connected to a NuForce STA200 (class a/b) amp. REL has suggested a T9/i

SVS has a cheaper SB-2000 which seems to be closer for half the price

I've read numerous places that REL is way overpriced and SVS is great for music. I am aware of Zu's subs...would like to keep the price under a grand if possible. 

Didn’t want to add a sub to my two channel music system. I’m a real audiophile I thought. I like tubes and english loudspeakers I thought. I wear tweed and smoke a pipe I thought (not really). I’m not one of these home theater pagans who buy their equipment at big box stores - no, I’m a serious audiophile, I thought, who would rather poo poo such things and talk about room treatments and exotic cables and what kind of distilled water I should wash my vinyl LPs in. Besides, I don’t need no bass to prove my masculinity.

Then I inserted an REL S/5 SHO (hooked up at the high level connection with Kimber cables made for the REL) and OOOPs. I’ve been missing out, a lot. All of a sudden live albums came truly alive. Sure there was tight deep bass and the REL didn’t call attention to itself. What was the real shocker was what it did to the midrange and the soundstage of the overall system. Listening to live albums I was moved in to the concert hall with excellent seats - I was no longer sitting in my music room. Performances came alive. Try an REL, you’ll be shocked (in a good way). Then complain to me about the cost of the REL after you’ve dropped a couple of grand on StillPoints made out of unobtanium.

RELs and another well made subs "charge the room" somehow and that makes things sound more real…but certainly the pebbles would be useful, especially in the bottom of an aquarium. Also, bass does improve you masculinity, and makes you slightly taller.
wolf_garcia - You know, come to think of it, I now need to shave twice a day and can now dunk a basketball. 😉
@chisaz  Don't forget the mouthwash! : )

+1 on you post! Enjoyable read, to boot.

I’ve been missing out, a lot.

Try an REL, you’ll be shocked (in a good way).

Since I started this thread, I have moved to a dedicated listening room with room treatments and bass traps. I'm still using the Antmode to calibrate my sb2000 sub (still only one). I'm thinking of moving up to a pair of sb3000's. The newer SVS has calibraion apps, I'm not certain if the SVS calibration would better my current AntiMode.