Who makes the best subwoofer for music? REL or JL AUDIO? REL uses High level, JL AUDIO low level with EQ. Which will be better for music. 

Showing 7 responses by pedroeb

I have two B&W DB4S subs and I love them. 1000w and 8.5Hz at -6db. Terrific for music and movies where you feel as well hear the sounds.

No worries with integration.

Great sound
Easy to position
Superb calibration controls

Requires phone & app
Limited Android support
Wrong side of the Atlantic LOL

B&W? Come on man. Please.

Have you auditioned them in your environment? If you had you might not be so critical. Size doesn't really matter.
2 channels audio is mixed down from multi channels for a specific format. If the music's mixed for other formats, is there any reason to reject it as illegitimate? Other than being trapped in the past?
REL or JL? It certainly seems like a question even if it's not considered valid.

The answer therefore seems to be don't even considering anything from China.

I've been berated for liking B&W, so maybe anything not parochial is to be rejected. 
B&W or Bowers and Wilkins, whatever they call themselves today makes fine loudspeakers found at Best buy. I've failed to see Wilson, Magico, Marten, Estelon, or MBL there for sale.

Inside the Bowers & Wilkins factory to see the new 800 D4 speakers
People always choose only the most popular brand of subs which are not really the best

I'm wondering why they are not really the best, Is it due to one of these; better price, better advertising, better distribution, or simply a better product.

One could ask why are they rejected. I hope it's not exclusivity and bragging rights?

There must be a reason I'm not understanding. Is anyone who purchases a popular model judged as inferior?

Surely the difference in response time (if there is any) would be so insignificant to make it irrelevant. Maybe be so with antiquated drivers.