Rel R-505 work with a Pass Labs X350.5

Some powered subwoofers require an audio signal ground reference and their makers may suggest that a black speaker terminal is where this voltage reference might be found. On complementary designs, which would be typical of all power amps produced by Pass Laborato- riesTM, this is an incorrect and unsafe assumption. On all Pass Labo- My present amp is a Mcintosh 402 Magnepan 3.7

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Contact Sumiko. They have a special cable you can order that has an RCA termination instead of the black speaker wire that uses an unused RCA plug on your preamp for ground (or power amp if you're going balanced). I believe it's $200 if it's worth it to you.

Also, you may want to contact the member Zikhmark, who sells an aftermarket REL Neutrik cable here. Perhaps he can make an RCA ground version for you. It would probably be cheaper as well as an upgrade to the custom speakon from Sumiko/REL!