REL 212/SE

Hello Folks,

I am looking for your feedback on REL 212/SE sub. I currently own a pair of REL B1's in my HT setup. Due to recent additions in my HT setup, I lost the space for second sub. So I was thinking about selling my B1's and get one powerful sub.

Some of you may say, why not just sell one B1 and keep the other. I have been spoiled with 2 subs and one sub is just not 'enough' in my dedicated room (30'W x 18'D). The B1's are rated 500W each.

I would like to get Gotham g213 but can't afford it. The new sub will be paired with my B&W 800D2's.

Thank you for your time.
I heard the REL 212-SE recently at a demo for some other speakers. I came away from the demo wanting a pair of REL's myself. In the demo, only 1 REL was used with the pair of speakers..and it handled itself quite impressively.
"I came away from the demo wanting a pair of REL's myself".....Thank you for your feedback.
Just a suggestion, but you might want to look at the Seaton Submersive. Made by Mark Seaton, two 15 inch speakers and 2400 watts. Just google it for more info. I own two and love them.
I Googled Seaton and there is nothing there. Their website is under construction. Not much info on their "forum".
Same here. Not much info on Seaton or REL 212/SE.

I am leaning towards JL Audio f112vs2 or f113v2. The earlier version got rave reviews all around.