Rega upgrades/tweeks

I am soon to be the owner of a new P5, Exact II and seperate power supply. I know all about "not messing with the Rega sound." However, I AM curious re others experiences. Esp the Expresimo Heavy Weight and end sub, thanks.

Showing 3 responses by mingles

Williewonka, I had the same skepticism about Michell's Tecnoweight. It's amazing that a counterweight can do so much. Before you splurge on a Tecno-arm, check out this $5 mod to your RB250:

Williewonka, did you do Twl's strange tonearm tweak? If so, any thoughts?

Also, you might be interested to hear how Charlieboy built a 275 lb. isolation box for his TT using maple, sand and granite: