Rega RP6 VTA issue

I like the idea of the RP6 package as it seems well designed, but the lack of VTA adjustment bugs me to the point of being a deal killer. Am I alone in this?

Showing 2 responses by wolf_garcia

Part of the issue was exacerbated when my local Rega dealer said I could keep my current Sumiko cart and he'd adjust the table so the lid wouldn't bump the cart when closed. Really? Somehow my desire for an RP6 is dimming quickly as in that price range it seems that EVERY table allows for VTA, azimuth tweeking, etc., and since my mint but elderly Linn Basik/Akito still lives (I had planned to replace it while it's still working well), and sounds fabulous, I can wait. Pro-ject RPM 10.1 used someplace...hmmm
I'm absolutely certain that a properly set up RP6 sounds great...but I like to tinker a little and adjust things myself, and shims seem like a weird remedy for VTA if I had the desire for a cart that needed that. I've read why the designer does what he does...but like I said earlier, it bugs me, but I respect the design otherwise.