Rega RP10 vs. VPI Classic Signature

Has anyone been able to do a direct comparison between these 2 tables?

I have an RP10 and have always been curious about the Classic (having never owned a VPI). With the recent price drop on the Classic Signature I'm tempted to pick one up and run it side by side with the RP10.

The RP10 would be running an Apheta 2 cart. Not sure what I'd mount on the VPI. Perhaps an Ortolan Cadenza Bronze?

Happy Turkey Day!

Showing 2 responses by stringreen

VPI could use a better cartridge. ...maybe a Black or Windfield or better. ...also check out the Prime...better arm and comparable turntable. can see the accuracy of any turntable by downloading an app called PlatterSpeed. It was invented by Dr. Feickert which is a recognized high power name in audio. You download the app from the app store which is free, play a 3150 hz tone on your turntable (most test records have this...or buy the Audioanalogue one...and it will give you the speed like the Phoenix. I agree with the Counterintuitive...makes setup much easier, and do set up a VPI arm with the Fozgometer...also to be used with the Audioanalogue test record.