Rega P25, would it sound better than my CDP?

I am currently using a Roksan Kandy MKIII Cd Player. If I got a Rega P25 with a Benz cart, would this set-up give me superior quality over digital in my system?

I guess what I'm trying to say is, Is the P25 on the same level as my Roksan Kandy CDP? Or better?

Showing 1 response by sugarbrie

Hard to tell. Probably if you use a good phono preamp and set up the turntable properly. I've found for equal dollars spent, vinyl sound better.

CD's are generally quieter if that matters to you (no pops, scratches, etc). Invest is a good record cleaning system.

But then of course not all CD recordings are available on vinyl, and not all vinyl is available on CD. So you may find you need both.

If you can swing it in your budget get the Rega and keep the Kanday...