Rega Owners - Alignment Tool / Protractor

Recommendations for Rega RB700 arm alignment/overhang adjustment protractor; Baerwald? Loefgren?, Rega?

Protractor recommendations; Wallytractor, GeoDisc, Avid, Mint Best, Turn Table Basics, Rega supplied paper, other?

I have read elsewhere on this forum that due to the pivot point placement and length of the arm, the baerewald geometry is not useful on Rega tables.  If you have found this not to be the case, please add a note to this tread stating so.

Thank You

Showing 2 responses by wrm57

Hi Brad,

I think Wally is out of business, though I might be wrong. Some years back he became undependable in delivering product, according to threads that appeared here and elsewhere, and I've heard nothing about him in quite a while. I bought protractors from him 2000-2002 and had no issues, though I had to send a check in advance and hope for the best. The used market is probably your best bet, if and when they come up, which is seldom. As a matter of fact, I just snagged a Universal Wally a couple of weeks ago, just to use with my Triplanar (even though I have a Mint, a UNI-tractor, and an Accutrak for it),  but I'd been looking for a long time. Yip at MintLP is completely dependable, in my experience.

Wallys are inscribed for both Baerwald and Loefgren. Yip uses Baerwald by default (at least on mine) but you may be able to request Loefgren.

I have MintLps and Wallytractors for several tonearms and prefer the Wallys, finding their inscription on mirrors to be superior for parallax offset and their super-fine lines on the surface of the protractor (rather than under a layer of glass) to be more precise and easier to use. Hard to come by these days, though, so Mints are an excellent alternative. The differences are minor, really.