Rega Owners - Alignment Tool / Protractor

Recommendations for Rega RB700 arm alignment/overhang adjustment protractor; Baerwald? Loefgren?, Rega?

Protractor recommendations; Wallytractor, GeoDisc, Avid, Mint Best, Turn Table Basics, Rega supplied paper, other?

I have read elsewhere on this forum that due to the pivot point placement and length of the arm, the baerewald geometry is not useful on Rega tables.  If you have found this not to be the case, please add a note to this tread stating so.

Thank You

Showing 2 responses by williewonka

+1 for the Mint Protractor - especially if you are using a stylus profile that is not spherical

Paid for itself right off the bat - my cartridge has never sounded so good

You do have to get the setup perfect though, but once you have achieved that the improvements are very noticeable.

My Cartridge is a Soundsmith modified Denon DL-103 with...
  • Ruby Cantilever
  • Optimized Contour Nude Contact Line Diamond
My arm is an Audiomods Series 3 Original that uses the Rega Arm tube
- same geometry, overhang etc, but that's where the "similarity" to rega arms end.

Once setup correctly using the Mint this cartridge became extremely revealing, detailed, spacious and dynamic

Brad - once you get the Mint, be sure to get it "dead-on" the marks - this may take some time - I actually had a fellow audio-nut with much younger eyes do mine for me.

Get the largest, most powerful Loupe you can find - it will make the process so much easier. Also, put the TT on a regular table, the extra elbow room/support will make the process easier/faster - trying to setup on an audio stand was an exasperating and shaky experience.
