Rega Aria or Gold Note PH-10 to match P8/Apheta?

I am looking to upgrade my system to the P8/Apheta 3 combo. I was all but set on the Aria preamp and have been advised that it is a good idea to keep things streamlined with Rega components for synergy, and then I discovered the Gold Note PH-10 at around the same price point. I am not sure which direction to go.

I have consistently read that the PH-10 considerably outperforms its price point and then there is the possible upgrade with the PSU. I have also consistently read that the Aria is made to pair with the P8/Apheta. I want to move forward in my purchase, but this decision has had me hung up for the past week.

In the end, I am sure I'd be happy with either unit, but are there any thoughts on which might be the better choice?

@gestalt Really? Wow. That would be amazing. I am in the process of upgrading my system so I would need to acquire my new table first, but that would be incredibly helpful. Let me send you a message.
The newly released May/June 2020 issue of The Absolute Sound has a review of the Gold Note PH-10 and PSU-10 you may find interesting:

If I had approximately $1600 to $2000 to spend on a phonostage, I’d get the PH-10. It’s that good. I’d open a nice pinot noir, put an LP on the turntable, sit back, and enjoy the music.

Some phonostages pursue "absolute technical objectivity" as their goal. The PH-10 is not that kind of product. It’s all about the music. If you’re a "truth-seeker", there are other phonostages to choose from, but you’re a "pleasure-seeker," then the PH-10 is for you. Like a fine wine or a fine car, the PH-10 satisfies, both in the moment and as a lasting memory.

And a bit about the author’s experience with the PSU-10:

My recommendation would be to audition the PSU-10 along with the PH-10, if possible. The PH-10 is a very fine-sounding phonostage when used as a standalone; using the PSU-10 makes it into an excellent one.

The full review goes in to loads of additional detail; please consider picking up a copy of The Absolute Sound to read the rest.
Hmm. Truth vs. pleasure. Interesting dichotomy. Does that mean it is more enhancing and not really true to the recording? If so, not totally sure how I feel about that. Perhaps I’m over-interpreting the comment.