Refurbished / Re-tipped Cartridges - Are they worth Buying?

My thoughts around rebuilt carts, do they convey the same characteristics as the original designer envisioned and intended . Even with full restoration like new cantilever, stylus and suspension repair etc; much of the original design attributes are gone and you are now listening to the works of an individual who have pride themselves as rebuilt wizard.  

No disrespect intended for the folks in rebuilding business as I honestly believe they are incredibly talented to rebuild such a fine instrument. 

What are your thoughts, would you buy a completely rebuilt cart vs a slightly used cartridge….after all you’re mostly paying for brand pedigree, its signature sound and exotic materials to make such a fine product. 


Showing 5 responses by lalitk

“Only when you know what the cartridge is supposed to sound like can you say if it sounds much the same when retipped.”

Well said, I couldn’t agree with you anymore! I see so many carts being sold after being retipped at a price not worth paying for. I rather invest in a new cart available in same ball park as used prices.

@lewm +1000 on factory retips. Unfortunately, some of the original designers either passed away or no longer in business. Koetsu is one of the prime example. 

@mulveling, @lewm 

Thank you gentleman for your well thought out responses. Good to know there are some reliable resources that can rebuild your treasured cart with same materials (if available). I did liked your comment about outcome of such rebuild as hybrid design with good results but different. The owner who has spent considerable amount of time with original build is in a position to judge whether rebuild is worth keeping around. This makes it a worthwhile endeavor on high priced carts or those no longer in production. 

Welcome to the wonderful world of vinyl playback :-) 


Appreciate the list of reliable vendors, will keep this info for future reference. 


Agreed, results of rebuild may vary and glad to hear your experience were positive. 


Virologist and Audiophile….that’s a deadly combination :-) Jokes apart, nothing but respect for everything you do from diagnosis to prevention. 


Thank you for your post. This discussion is not about CD/Streaming vs Vinyl. Vinyl is mostly about tactile experience and superior sound depending on your investment. Which format sounds better is a matter of debate, in my experience all available formats are capable of hair-raising sound. Streaming files greatly vary in SQ as content provider is focusing on making more files accessible than quality of the file source.

We get picky when we are paying premium price for a recording (album). I don’t buy every new release on CD or Vinyl. A new re-release of my favorite album only gets my $$$ when it is sourced and meticulously transferred from master tapes. To me, that’s what makes spinning a record or CD and ripped file worthwhile.