Refurbished / Re-tipped Cartridges - Are they worth Buying?

My thoughts around rebuilt carts, do they convey the same characteristics as the original designer envisioned and intended . Even with full restoration like new cantilever, stylus and suspension repair etc; much of the original design attributes are gone and you are now listening to the works of an individual who have pride themselves as rebuilt wizard.  

No disrespect intended for the folks in rebuilding business as I honestly believe they are incredibly talented to rebuild such a fine instrument. 

What are your thoughts, would you buy a completely rebuilt cart vs a slightly used cartridge….after all you’re mostly paying for brand pedigree, its signature sound and exotic materials to make such a fine product. 


Showing 1 response by dogberry

I have had cartridges restored to glory by retipping/rebuilding, and perhaps I'm lucky in not having had a bad experience. All the same, I wouldn't buy a retipped/rebuilt cartridge second hand, as I'd wonder if it sounded anything like it used to do when new. It's unfortunate that buying a new cartridge is a bit of a crap shoot, as few of us have the chance to listen beforehand. You end up relying on reviews, both paid and from users in forums. Only when you know what the cartridge is supposed to sound like can you say if it sounds much the same when retipped.