Refined integrated for extremely neutral speakers?

I recently purchased a set of 50's era Siemens 2000 Fullrange speakers from a favorite musician of mine (long story) along with the amplifier he recommended, a slightly obscure German piece called the Abacus Ampino.

The system sounds great, for the most part--I've been using the speakers as near-field monitors and I've never heard clarity like this before at my desk. But the pairing of a neutral amp and neutral speakers sounds a little TOO neutral to me. I have listened to this combo using both a Schiit Bifrost Uber and a Thorens TD 150 as a source, and it sounds a bit clinical, cold, and sometimes just a tad harsh. Not particularly graceful or cohesive. Lykke Li, a favorite of mine, sounds grating in her upper registers. No good.

I thought I wanted a totally clear window onto my music, but I think I want an amp that trades a little bit of clarity and separation for some richness and ease. I listen to a lot of jazz, experimental noise music (lots of skronking), and electronic music, so I'd appreciate something that can handle rhythm properly and won't turn beat-driven music into a haze.

Is this too much to ask for under $1000? I've been reading reviews for days and can't make up my mind! I have almost purchased a Rega Brio-R, Red Wine Audio Signature 30, Redgum rgi35, and *gulp* a NAD D 3020. Any advice? Am I better off saving up for something more expensive, like a Rogue Sphinx?

Showing 2 responses by zd542


You make a valid point. In this case, though, I can come up with a couple of reasons that tubes may not be the best choice. Price and music choice. For $1000, I'm having a hard time coming up with something that will suit needs.

"I listen to a lot of jazz, experimental noise music (lots of skronking), and electronic music, so I'd appreciate something that can handle rhythm properly and won't turn beat-driven music into a haze."

Yes, his speakers may be pre tube, but his music probably pre and post; well, I really don't know. Now that I think about it, what the hell is experimental noise music anyway, (skronking or otherwise)? lol. My spell checker doesn't even know. I have to go with SS on this one. You wouldn't have a tube amp the OP can borrow to experiment with? Maybe?