Reference System TT - Dr. Feickert Analogue or Sota

Putting together a reference system.
Recent equipment purchase: 
Linear Audio Zotl 40 power amp
Don Sach's pream & phono pre
Spatial Audio Lab X5 (open baffle speakers)

Seeking input for a turntable/tonearm/cart upgrade to complete the sysytem. Narrowed TT choices to Dr. Feickert Analogue (Woodpecker or Blackbird) or Sota Nova VI? Tonearm being considered: Kuzma Stabi S12, Thomas Shick, Wand Master. Cart: Kiseki Purle Heart NS SB, Koetsu Rosewood, less expensive choices - Soundsmith Zephyr MIMC Star ES, Sumiko Starling, dependent on TT/tonearm choice. I currently have and have had for a number of years, a VPI Scout & Benz Micro L2 cart & an ASUSA Tube Phono-Pre (it is kit). 

Listening preference 70-80's R&B, jazz (traditional & contemporary), soft rock infrequent but listen to most music genries at some point. 
Hopefully, there'll be those familiar with the noted TT's, tonearms and carts to provide input. Finding audio dealers in my area to audition the equipment choices I'm considering is a big challenge, if not impossible. This is my first steps from mid-fi into high-end equipment. Respect the discussions of fellow audio lovers. Your input, insights and experiences input is greatly appreciated.

Still Bill              

Showing 2 responses by millercarbon

In that case then Origin Live Sovereign turntable, Enterprise arm, and Soundsmith SG1. I have the Sovereign/Enterprise. Mine with Koetsu Black Goldline and Herron VTPH2A. If you had been here for Chuxpona, seen the way a room full of audiophiles were leaning forward intently listening for like two solid hours, of way way WAY more music than talking, you would know why.    

With your budget you could easily have this rig. With the SG1 you eliminate the need for a phono stage, getting in effect a SOTA phono stage thrown in with the cart. Which you also order an extra user-replaceable stylus or two, another big advantage with SG.   

Do a search, you will find the SG1 compared with top flight carts costing much more. All those carts in order to compete with SG1 require a $10k and up phono stage, and not exactly cheap interconnect and power cord. Reference quality, value price.   

I would highly recommend searching around and reading all you can find about these, both Origin Live and the Strain Gauge. Then I would call and talk with Mark Baker. This is what I did before ordering my Sovereign. Always do this as my final step, talk to the owner/designer. Mark almost had me switching my order to a Resolution with Agile arm. Because he was saying the Resolution comes very close to Sovereign for a lot less.  

“In fact, this arm-table combination is one of the finest performers I’ve heard at any price… But regardless of price, this is one of the truly special products I’ve reviewed in the past eighteen years.” Michael Fremer, Editor 

Strong words. Listening to my Sovereign last night I can understand where they come from.
Origin Live Voyager turntable, Renown arm, Soundsmith Strain Gauge 1.   

Get one of the power supply upgrades for the SG1.  

With the SG1 you can sell your current phono stage making this easily the way to go both in terms of performance and value. You can go with the Sovereign/Enterprise (what I have) to save money and still be among the very best. But talking with Mark Baker about it he said that while the Voyager costs a lot the leap in performance is so great he feels it is an even bigger value. Which made me salivate, and even more so now that I have lived with the Sovereign a while, this is a fabulous rig! But they are beyond me. If you want reference though, this is it: Voyager, Renown, SG1.