Reference DACS: An overall perspective

There has been many threads the last few months regarding the sonic signature of some of the highest regarded reference DACS (Dcs,Meitner,Ensemble,Audio Note,Zanden,Reimyo,Accustic Arts) here on the GON. I have been very fortunate to audtion many of these wonderful pieces in my home or friend's systems. I wanted to share, in a systematic way, my impressions/opinions with you GON members for a two reasons: 1)That my experiences might be helpful to fellow members interested in audtioning these DACS. 2)Starting an interesting discussion regarding the different "sonic flavors" of these reference digital front ends. I totally agree with the statement, "if you have not heard it you don't have an opinion". Therefore, I have no comments regarding DACS from Weiss,Goldmund,Audio Aero and Burmester because I have never had the pleasure of audtioning them. I would love to hear from members who have and share their experiences with us. My overall impression is that these DACS(Dcs,Meitner,Ensemble,Audio Note,Zanden,Reimyo,Accustic Arts) can be grouped into two molar categories regarding their overall sonic signature. By the way, all of them can throw a large/deep soundstage with excellent layering in the acoustic space with "air" around individual players on that stage. However, than they start to part company into two major categories. Category #1) These DACS "flavors" revolve around pristine clarity, fine sharp details,speed,very extended top/bottom frequencies,and great PRAT. These DACS never sound "etched" or "in your face" but are more "upfront" then "layed back" in their presentation. The DACS, to my ear's, that go into this bracket are Dcs,Ensemble,Meitner. My personnal favorite in this group is the Ensemble, which I owned for two years. These DACS remind me of the sonic signature of speakers such as Wilson,Thiel,Dynaudio, Focal/JM Labs. Category #2) These DACS "flavors" revolve around a "musical/organic" sense, natural timbres,and an easy flowing liquidity. Their "less forward" presentation my give the impression of less detail, but I think in this case its an illusion fostered by their more relaxed/organic manner. The DACS, to my ear's, that go into this bracket are Audio Note,Zanden,Reimyo,Accustic Arts. I did find that the tube DACS did not have the top/bottom frequency extenstion and PRAT of the SS DACS in this bracket. For me, the Accustic Arts DAC1-MK3 gave me the best of both categories, therefore it is now the resident DAC in my system. These DACS remind me of the sonic signature of speakers such as Magnepan,Von Schweikert,Sonus Faber. Well, it's all just my opinion regarding these digital pieces, but I hope this post was at least informative/somewhat interesting and would lend itself to other GON members sharing their impressions, not about what DAC is the "BEST" in the world, but your personnal taste and synergy with your system.
Playntheblues, I wish you good luck on your purchase of the Accustic Arts DAC1-MK4, however in this case "ladyluck" will not be necessary for your total enjoyment of your new piece. So far, everyone I know who has put it into their system has been enthrilled, including myself.

So, let us know what you think of your new toy after you get it and have a chance to listen to it.
I agree with Teajay, this is a great Dac and I'm very happy with it.

Teajay, I am noticing some nice over all improvement with my Drive since new, I have about two hundred hours on it.

A friend was over who has dcs gear and you had to be here to see his face when "Georgia" came on. Actually it was his own music that he brought over to listen too. After 3 hours of listening he said to me that he could not believe my system.

I have listened to "Georgia" many times on my system but this time the bass notes (strings) are just absolutely stunning along with the vocals on my system now, actually over all wow! The best I have ever had.

My friend called me today and said do you know what you have done to me now, I can't listen to my system it's just not even close to what I heard last night. Now that's a nice compliment. He said listening to his own system he now finds the sound over all non emotional and not even in the same league as mine. He said for example when I got home I first put "Georgia" on, did't even listen to the full song, I then put on other music that I listened to at your place and again today. He said he just can't believe the difference, he said to me something is going and fast.

He has a very similar set-up to mine, same amps and speakers, I have a ARC REF3 pre and he has a VTL 7.5 pre., I have "AA" gear and he has "dcs gear."

Playntheblues, I await to read your thoughts of the "AA DAC", the Dodson and Zanden are two great pieces that I would like to hear in my own system also. Good luck when it comes to the used Zanden, it will be interesting because I'm sure it will go quickly.

Make sure you use a Stealth Sextet digital cable for connection, I prefer the AES connection.

Hi Dev, just curious... what brand/type amps and speakers is your friend using together with his dCS+VTL7.5 ?

Hi Rene_1 if you read my thread you will notice it says the same as mine.

We are both using McIntosh 501's with the Eggleston Andra 2's for speakers.
Ok Guys the new AA MK4 went into the system last night. The System....G R Research Alpha LS line array speakers, Dodd 120 el34 mono blocks, Dodd battery/tube pre, fully modded Squeeze box II by boulder, Tice 1850 watt power supply/conditioner, anti cables & inter connects, cheap digital cables (better cables). My old DAC was the Audio Logic 34 MXL. WOW, let me prepeat WOW. My system now rivals the best system I have ever put together and quite possibly the best system that I have heard! Please understand that this is all subjective and with my room and my ears. We all have hearing loss to some degree (depending of age and I’m 47 and have played in a blues band for years). I ran the Squeeze Box (SB) all night into the DAC so I have about 12 hours on it right now as I am typing. I can hear Jeff Golub (jazz guitarist) playing in the back ground, WOW! The bass is thunderous the treble is quite good but needs to settle in a bit. When played loud you can still hear a little digital effect.

My wife puts up with my Audio hobby because she knows it makes me happy but has never really taken an interest. She enjoys and loves good music but just never really got the whole audio thing. She sat down with me last night for a listen. Now when I get new gear I usually ask here to sit down and listen to a song, which she will do. I always ask her “doesn’t that sound better, can you hear the difference in the bass, here sit right in the middle and listen to the sound stage etc”. Her response is ALWAYS, “it sounds great but Guy (that’s me lol) but I can’t tell the difference it always sounds great”. WELL…….last night with the AA MK4 in we went through this process again. Chris (my wife) had a glass of wine and I had my favorite beverage and I proceeded to the music room with my wife in tow. Chris requested Michael Bublae’ (sorry for the spelling), about one minute into the song I began asking her the same ole questions. How does it sound, can you tell the difference, bass, voice etc. And her responses was a knee jerk, “it sounds great but I can’t tell the difference”. Well by the time the song was over she requested another and another and another song about one hour’s worth. Chris started asking my how much we had into the system and said it was absolutely the best she has heard. I wish you guys could have seen her face, it said it all. She was just floored but did not know how to put it into words.

The Accustic Art DAC has REAL promise. What did you guys experience during break in and at what time intervals?

Thanks and all the best, Guy