What's been your experience with the  REFERENCE 3A De Capo BE?

Interesting speaker. No crossover. I'd like to hear how they actually work in the field.


Showing 1 response by jjwaudionut

I've had a pair of MM DeCapo-i speakers since 2003. Have used with an Anthem Amp 1 (40 watts EL34 tubes), and now with a Granite Audio Aspen 800 (8 watt 300B SET). They are uniquely wonderful. I was perfectly happy without a sub for over 10 years, but I bought an SVS SB-12 NSD in 2016, and I like the extra low bass and improved articulation of bass that the sub delivers. But the De-Capos never seemed all that bass shy to me. I believe that the lack of an active crossover network really helps these speakers sound fast and articulate.