Reel to reel , is it real the hype!

I am thinking of venturing into the realm of reel to reel.
I have access to purchase an otari mtr10, with enhanced 1/2 “ head block, refurbished and recapped for 9k.
my system is in brief is ayre kxr and mxr twenties playing through magico M3 with Jl audio Gotham subs. Front end digital is souped up wolf streamer pure digital capable of playing 512 and 1024 dsd files , t+a sd 3100hv dac( capable of playing 1024 dsd native . Front end analogue is sme 30/2 with Lyra Etna lamda sl catridge playing through vandenhul grail Se+ phono stage.( please see my system page for details )
my question is will the otari give me better performance than my digital and vinyl front end . Thank you in advance .

Showing 10 responses by newtoncr

@topoxforddoc agreed , I am making digital copies of the master and using the masters only for critical listening. 
@oldhvymec    Thank you. I am looking for specific information on this deck the otari mtr10. Typical price etc.
1/2 “ I hear is of better quality than 1/4 “.
I have been told making a copy from 1/4 to 1/2 inch may improve the quality of sound. Something similar to upsampling.
He says he can change the head block to a 1/4 “ extended range but recommends against it .
Blank tape for 1/2” is going to be more expensive. 1/4” blank I see is around 110-150$ on a metal spool. Do you know how expensive 1/2” tape is .

yes I did look at the source material.
source material is limited.
I see there are very few reliable sources for original master tape copies.
My friend says he can help me get authentic copies for a price of course.
price seems to be around 200-500$ per copy.

@lowrider57 i do not plan to buy from commercial sources .
I talked to a couple of reel to reel industry pioneers who have a very good library and can make copies for me on 1/2 “ reel from their copies .
they vouch for the authenticity of the source from the master tape .
Great advice and information. Thank you everyone.
So reel is for real …
thanks for all the contact information regarding sources where I can buy tapes and the deck.
I contacted a couple of places and am waiting for more information from them .
I have decided to slowly step into the ocean of reel to reel and have it hooked up with my main system .
I am currently thinking of a 1/2 “ tape , 2 track deck . Probably the otari mtr 10 or 12 with flux magnetic extended performance heads .
nothing decided yet still need to gather a lot of information before the plunge .

Got the otari 10 today , 1/2 inch 2 track with flux magnetic extended performance heads .
I hear immediately more power and presence in the presentation… played doors la woman and it was very good.
will update more incl pictures once I get to collect and listen to more music .
Already  hearing about scammers in the industry who sell reels made from digital sources and charge an arm and a leg . Finding authentic sources sounds like a challenge 
@jsman interesting observation but my experience so far is a little diff. I got master tape copies including from tape project … once I level match my digital and analogue systems the diff is very subtle … dsd copies sound pretty indistinguishable from reel … pcm don’t sound so good but still close …500$ tapes have a charm but dsd digital through my system is very very close /similar . Building an authentic master tape copy library is a great feeling for sure. 
@johnss blank tapes are very expensive. Doesn’t seem to be worthwhile having 2 copies of same .. except for critical listening I would use digital … as I mentioned earlier, my digital setup the sound is very close if not similar (dsd) .
is there a source for cheap tapes so I can make copies of my vinyl, selected few .
my mtr 10 the caps have all been replaced but I don’t know the details of the replacement. 
@johnss , thank you for the information.
I have been buying 1/2 “ 911 bias tapes that have been costing me about 137$ a tape and I need 2 tapes per album ie 274$ per album. 
the prices in this website are much more reasonable.
I will contact them .
Downloaded picture of the otari .
@larryi thank you for the contact . Will ask them if they will make copies in 1/2”
my friend who sold me the otari has 3 atr machines and has had studer in his system .
ATR sound real good as do the otari 😊