Reel to reel deck -Talk me in or out of buying

I can't help myself. I feel like an addict. I really, REALLY want to buy a reel to reel tape deck. But why? I don't own any reels. Can a case be made for buying a deck in this digital age? I'm salivating over a Revox g36 tube unit.

I'm tearing myself to pieces over here. HELP!

Showing 3 responses by kublakhan

Funny you should respond Albert, I was going to email you about your technics v. a tubed revox g36. Isn't the Ampex 351 tubed? Maybe you can email me a comparison between the ampex and technics when it comes in.

15 IPS tapes are hard to find. Tape, even with the hiss, sounds better to me than digital.

I still don't understand all of the pros and cons. I mean, we're all a little loopy here, but is buying a reel to reel deck at the top or at the bottom of the loop - i guess that's my question.
This is what scares me: A 7 1/2 IPS reel to reel tape of the Beatles Revolver on Ebay (link below) going for $113 and the bidding isn't over yet. Sheesh.

You guys are no help. I want a deck, then I don't want a deck. I want a deck, now I don't want a deck. I have no idea. I'm going to try to hold on until this passes or I break down and buy something in the middle of the night when no one can see me.