Reel 2 Reel

Anyone here using R2R tape decks? If so what kind?

Showing 2 responses by atmasphere

I run an Ampex AG-440 transport with 351-2 electronics which have been updated and upgraded. I run both 1/4" and 1/2" heads running 2 tracks. Works great but it is kind of a pain to move :)
Well- OK, I have used the very same machine to record LPs and CDs that I or others have released. Its not any harder to set up than other machines are though- and sooner or later they all need it- you either do it yourself or have someone do it regardless of the machine.

What's nice about it is that you get nice record/play all vacuum-tube electronics. They have so much output that you can drive your power amplifiers directly while driving 30 feet of interconnect. The result is... even more transparency.