
Being a member of the “streaming  revolution” for some time now, I’ve barely listened to my large CD collection (I’ve listened to records because I acquired a new analog setup). Several thousand CDs have been lying fallow. This is partially due to mobility issues (although records are more demanding,) and the convenience and lure of listening to new music,  Now, I’m delving into my CDs and discovering treasures long forgotten. Although it’s a little more effort, I find it very much worth it. It’s like refinding old friends.  Very rewarding.

Any of you having this experience?


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I retired a few months back.  I have been having great fun listening to CDs that haven’t been spun for years.  Many were impulse purchases based upon favorable reviews in Classical Music review magazines and after one or two playing were shelved and forgotten.  Now I stream those recordings and only buy the ones that I deem truly exceptional, which means that I probably will miss out on having the rediscovery process that I am currently enjoying.