Red Trumpet still in business?

Anyone know if Red Trumpet is still in business? No one answers e-mails and the phone line is always busy. No new additions on their website of incoming product for over 2 weeks now. I have also noticted a significant decline in their customer service over the last few months. Thanks for any information, I have a number of pieces on order and need to know if I should go elsewhere.
What happens to orders placed at the site? I just placed a big order Nov 4th, not knowing these facts.

Should I call AX and stop payment or does anyone know ?
As a bankruptcy attorney, I can tell you that the assets of Red Trumpet would be frozen upon the filing of a Chapter 7 petition, and a bankruptcy trustee will administer the assets on behalf of the creditors of the estate. Most likely, the inventory will be sold as a whole or in "lots". If anyone is out any money, they will have to take steps through the Bankruptcy Court to file a claim and then hope that there is a recovery.
I would *definitely* call the credit card company and attempt to have them stop payment. The chances of getting anything out of the court are slim to none. Way too many vultures ahead in the pecking order awaiting to extract their pennies on the dollar.

And here's a guess: what do you want to bet a place like Music Direct is licking their collective chops in anticipation of the inventory firesale...