Red Rose Anyone?

Has anyone tried out any of the ultra-premium priced Red Rose line of audio equipment marketed by Mr. Mark Levinson? Are they any different from other high-end brands like Mark Levinson? I guess his non-compete period with Harmon International is over and that is why he is starting a new gig. I am intrigued by its Red Rose Model 5 integrated amplifier, especially with its $8,000 list price tag. Any insight into the Red Rose products would be much appreciated. Thank you.

Showing 3 responses by brianmgrarcom

Avguy, Red Rose isn't a new company; I am not sure when he started it, but I have known of it for, I would say, a couple years now.
I remember reading somewhere, I believe the Asylum, it could of been here, his equipment was identical to some Korean, I think, equipment that can be purchased, um, cheaper. DO NOT TAKE THIS AS FACT! I am just stating what I recall reading.
Thanks SOS for the clarification.

A little search on Google revealed the following link in regards to the Red Rose Rossette being made by the aforementioned Korsun, According to this, the Korsun version is $200 while the Red Rose is $2000, but nothing was confirmed whether it is changed at all.

The aforementioned Shanling, I had read that it is made by Denon; anyone know for sure?