Recs for small footprint integrated amp (<= 14 inches W) min 30 WRMS

Need to find a quality small footprint  amp, <=14 inches W for a desktop placement in home office to run Spendor S3/5 monitors with only 84 db sensitivity. Minimum 30 WRS with decent current, 50 may be better. Not sold on Class D so options preferred, likely SS in that price range. Like to keep under $2k new, preferably around $1k-1500. So far came up with W4S mInt  (C), Rega Brio, Heed Elixir. Music played is multiple genres. Speakers are on bookshelf above desk. Replacing HK3490 receiver so lots of upside.


Showing 1 response by gestalt

The Konus Audio Integrale is 7.5" wide, 33 watts/channel class AB, and sounds great.