Records and CDs

I’ve just spent a couple of weeks exclusively going through my extensive record collection playing hardly any digital media and have come to some conclusions.
Records are fun and enjoyable to work with, but ultimately for a music lover they’re a dead end. Since very few new titles are being released on records these days I find myself going through mainly old familiar performances. Then there’s the age old problem of comparing the SQ of both media which is maddening. I just today went back to streaming (and CDs.). I clearly see, for me this is the way to continue my listening habits. Records can be used as a diversion but not the main event.


Showing 2 responses by larsman

@rvpiano  - "Very few new titles are being released on records these days"? 

On what do you base that statement? Sales data would indicate otherwise, plus the fact that vinyl sales have been steadily increasing and new pressing plants are being opened. Will it ever be like the 'old days' again? No. But from what I've seen, just about every new release, large artist or small, is being released on vinyl....

What I don't care about are all the colored vinyl variants....

@rvpiano - I've had a Clearaudio Charisma cartridge, the one just above the Maestro, and I can tell you that is one awesome MM cartridge; never felt the need to move up to an MC cart in the 3+ years I've had this. I hope you enjoy your Maestro....

Sound-wise, I enjoy both vinyl and CD and have good systems for both. Sound quality matters aside, I'll always prefer looking at album artwork on a nice 12"x12" sleeve than a little CD-sized casing.