Showing 6 responses by nonoise

I think film preservation is somewhat ahead of the efforts of the music industry. Googling film preservation shows a long standing effort. Celluloid is notorious for it's degradation and I recall temperature controlled vaults being built a long time ago, along with archival steps.

All the best,
Has the Russian troll farm infiltrated Audiogon? 😮
Or just another Fox News viewer?
1-I think they've always been here.
2-Does the pope wear a funny hat? 

Well, I, for one, wouldn't go off if it weren't for them. They seem to wait for things to die down and then it's "send in the clowns."
You simply gloss over what’s been said and just keep on trucking. A couple of examples do not make for the totality of record. One can, however, go to any site you regularly visit and have a field day fact checking them and come to the conclusion that they are the polar opposite of proper journalism.

You can do it half in your bottle of choice and still come away with the correct perception that they are propaganda, conjecture, and whitewashed lies pretending to be journalism. If it wasn’t for the internet, they wouldn’t be able to put out anything for mass consumption. The internet makes it easy for even you to come up with your own site and have at it.

These sites are like People or Us magazine, for the addel brained. You know, for those who don’t like to read.

All the best,
How pathetic. First a predictable, Pavlovian, right wing knee jerk reaction and then a another, predictable deflection.

And despite all the blather about the NYT, they sure came in handy with the lies they reprinted verbatim from the Bush administration in the lead up to the Iraq war and they sat on the story of the Bush administration illegally spying on all Americans until after the election.

Thank goodness the Gray Lady is still a paper of record but they still step on stories they shouldn’t and have a strange conservative strain that leads to repeated retractions, omissions and some very biased headlines and stories.

All the best,