Showing 3 responses by cleeds

LOL! And it only took the New York Times ELEVEN YEARS to report on it!
"The paper of record", indeed!
Cheap shot. Did you read the article? Universal made every effort to conceal the extent of the damage. NYT got this story the hard way - mostly through court records and first-hand sources. More details here.

If NYT hadn’t reported this story, you still wouldn’t know what happened. That the newspaper didn’t allow orchestrated deception and the passage of time to conceal the truth is to its credit, not its shame.
Here you have just one guy, a very well-read but otherwise ordinary audiophile, and he is able without any "reporting" whatsoever off the top of his head able to inform you better than the NYT.
I’m not aware of any one person - no matter how smart or talented - who can inform me "better than the NYT." Neither is there any one person who has worked so diligently to protect the public; see Times v. Sullivan, for example.

But I understand many put their faith in Fox News and sources even worse than it. That has always been the case.

Sure, the Times gets it wrong sometimes. That’s because it is comprised of humans who actually work at something bigger than themselves. Humans, you know, are fallible.

Agreed, @nonoise, the NYT is flawed. Much so. I'm not willing to throw the gray lady out with the bathwater, though, or to proclaim it "the enemy of the people."