record out on integrated amp

I am interested in potentially trying to use an integrated tube amp as a tube buffer to feed the ss integrated via the record out of the tubed unit. I know the record out is not volume controlled.
My question is does anyone know if the record out of the tube integrated amp would go through the tube circuitry and will retain the "tubiness" or it's basically just a pass through from whatever it is fed into it?


Showing 2 responses by zd542

If you have a problem that's so extreme where you would actually consider doing what you're talking about, I say just fix the problem and be done with it. There's almost no chance that you'll be happy with the result. Tubes don't always fix problems like people think they do.

The most I would do, in your case, is to try an actual tube buffer, because that's what you're asking for. Musical Fidelity makes them. If a product like that doesn't work, you need to try something else.
"03-23-15: Polk432
want the best sound? eliminate all ss, and go tubes all the way. or, keep ss sound and try to be satisfied with it. half way will just keep you trying more things that will not help in the long run."

Nothing like keeping an open mind.