Record mishaps

Just dropped a pristine 1957 Faye Richmond Girlesque record I received from ebay on (of all places) the corner of my end table, while examining it under my table lamp. This resulted in a few what appear to be superficial scratches 🙄 what was pristine is now.... not so much...depressed....has anyone else ever done something stupid such as this in regards to record handling? This is a first for me. I'm hoping to play it at some point to see if the scratches are audible....its a mono record, so I think it may play ok. 

Showing 2 responses by tubegb

As an afterthought, I probably would have kicked the end table (thus breaking a toe) for being in the way.
I’ve had a number of miscues (pun intended) involving records over the years. Something tells me that over time the odds/statistics of such an event happening are somewhat inevitable. Anyway, to error is human…
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