Record collecting versus hoarding

At what point does "collecting" records become hoarding? Unless you are in the business of selling records either primarily or even secondarily, why do so many people here talk about having 2,3,4,6,10,000 records and CDs? It's not stamps or coins.

Let's say you listen to records 15 hours a week (a good estimate for me) that equates to about 750 hours a year or 1000 records a year. I like to listen to mine at least once every three months - I have 300 records and change. In the rare instance when I replace one for a better sounding one (I've done it maybe 4-5 times), I immediately sell the old one - with only one exception. The Sgt Pepper UHQR. I already had it on the Beatles Collection and do occasionally listen to it when I want a treat. It does sound better than the regular Mofi one, which sounds great to me.

Why would you have multiple copies of the same record and not just listen to the best sounding one and sell the rest?

Why would you want records you listen to less than once a year?

Maybe some people listen a lot more than me (and replace cartridges/styli pretty ofter or have a bunch of them)?

The reason I bring this up is because Acoustic Sounds is releasing Steely Dan's studio albums from the 1970s on their UHQR brand (not sure how they now own the name and not Mofi, but that is not the point), I am a huge fan and will be getting a few of these overpriced (IMHO) records, which will replace a few of my non-audiophile (except the Aja Mofi) records. I plan to sell the Aja Mofi immediately after getting the UHQR, which I am sure will sound much better. That is worth a few bucks, but the others I sell should be worth $10-15 in trade at a record store.

Anyone with records they play less than once a year or keep multiple pressings of a single album, please let me know your rationale.

Are you a hoarder? Too lazy to get rid of them? Like the way they decorate your room?


Showing 1 response by moto_man

Like so many, I began accumulating LP's in the early '70s and have about 1,000 LP's from my college days, all in great condition as I had a pretty good turntable at all times and always used a DiscWasher and ZeroStat (still have both!) every time I played an album.  But with the advent of CD's, I stopped listening to vinyl.  Now, with Roon, everything on a dedicated music server, and subscriptions to both Qobuz and Tidal top tier, I gave all of my CD's to one of my college buddies that lost all his records in Hurricane Katrina (he lived in New Orleans near a breached levy).  Now my 1,000 albums sit in a rack, and I use the album covers as wall art.  I can't imagine the "nostalgia" of having to get up every 20 minutes and either flip a record or decide on another one when I can sit in the comfort of my listening chair and run everything with Roon.  Although I will admit to fondling some of my albums once in a while that bring back fond memories of college and the stuff that we did while listening to Electric Ladyland, etc. LOL!  So I have some rare, valuable albums in my collection, and my estate can sell them!