Record Cleaning Machine – Recommendation Please!

I bought a VPI HW16.5 seven years ago and when I turn on the vacuum switch nothing happens.

My options:

Buy a new vacuum motor (if that’s what’s really wrong…could it be the switch?) for about $200

Buy another new VPI HW16.5 for about $700 (I’ve liked mine)

Buy a Music Hall WCS2 for about $600 (is this any good?)

Buy something else (Nitty Gritty??)


Any suggestion of something you’ve dealt with that’s gone well will be greatly appreciated! Thank you!


Showing 1 response by bgupton

I think the Clearaudio Double Matrix Sonic Professional is (by a wide margin) the best available cleaner.

I owned a Nitty Gritty (ok if you are in a budget or good for a first cleaning of a really dirty record) and the KLAudio ultrasonic machine in addition to the Clearaudio.

The KLaudio is fantastic, BUT won’t get fingerprints, smudges or any oily substances since it doesn’t have brushes. The Clearaudio uses ultrasonic vibrations, brushes and record cleaning fluid, so it gets EVERYTHING.

My process was typically a quick wash in the Nitty Gritty then onto the Clearaudio and then finally a short 2 min bath in the KLAudio. Overkill? Yes!

But the Clearaudio alone will get you 99% there. It’s big money but worth it if you’ve got the funds.